Sunday 6 November 2011

Rules of Happiness by Mridula Agarwal

Happiness is dependent on the taste, and not on things.  It is by having what we like that we are made happy, not by having what others think desirable.

Let us never waste a minute thinking about people we don't like 

No thoroughly occupied man was ever yet very miserable


  1. Some great words to live by here. Thank you for posting these thoughts.

  2. I am glad you liked them Miss More
    What about-

    You cannot entertain worry till you are free from work.

    When you spread happiness,
    Some of it sticks to you too.

    Problems are inevitable,
    Worry is optional.

    Grievances are like garbage,
    They can only clutter your mind.

  3. :D, like them all especially -- "When you spread happiness, Some of it sticks to you too."


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