Sunday 20 November 2011

Steve Jobs & The Secret - by Rhonda Byrne

I am still very impress of what Steve Jobs doing to this world.  The moment i read the 3 stories which was forwarded by a friend, I am very impressed and i feel very energetic inside.

He said about connecting the dots.  it's simple and very powerful mind builder.  It's the simple believe in yourself that propels an individual to move forward.  He said you can only understand the connection between the dots if you look in your past.

Then I read a ebook about The Secret.  This is really a inspirational book.  I wish I had read it earlier.  It shares the same thoughts with regards to connecting the dots.  You have to believe in your intuition as the universe may be calling your dream to you.  The key is to believe.  and to believe in yourself, you have to set yourself in positive mindset.  But to be able to be positive always, there's need to be grateful and make yourself feel good.  Always ask yourself, how am i feeling now?

It'll be helpful to meditate every nights.  It is the subconscious mind that makes you prepared for all bad events that you have come across during the day, imagining it how it will be dealt happily in the next day.

Gratitude stone... another inspiration from The Secret.  It's a reminder to you when you are feeling helpless, that you should remember all the things that you are grateful of.  giving u the positivity to move forward.

I am so excited as I am going to follow this guide.

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