Friday 17 April 2009

Need for success

Here's a good article for self improvement. I will try to practice this... -- By Category -- Wisdom and Life Skills --
Your 12 Point Plan for Personal Success

By Stephan Iscoe

1. is the only person responsible for your success. ...

2. ...Positive thoughts drive out negative thoughts.

3. ...Feel good about yourself and your abilities, achievements and potential. Don't dwell on your mistakes. Remind and praise yourself on your past accomplishments. Congratulate yourself for taking positive steps toward a more successful future.

4. Believe in yourself. .... Find your mission and begin working to fulfill it.

5. ...Decide right now that you will be successful. Commit to being successful.

6. ...Associate with successful people. Do what they do. When faced with choices, make the choice a successful person would make. ..

7. Avoid unsuccessful people. ... Avoid all the whiners, complainers, blamers and thumbsuckers.

8. Do what you are best at and what you get the most satisfaction from. ..

9. Write down a vision of how you want to live your life. Be specific. ...Every day visualize yourself as you would like to be - and then act that way!

10. Write down your biggest goal, the one you most want to fulfill. .... Read your goal aloud every morning and night. Tell people your goal. Make a plan to achieve your goal and stick to it.

11. Study the science of success. .... Talk to successful people and ask them how they became successful. Fill your mind with positive thoughts and give yourself positive self- affirmations.

12. Every day do something that brings you closer to your goal. Never give up. ...



Copyright S. Iscoe, 1998. Please feel free to copy and distribute this article, but only in its entirety, including this notice and the following credit lines. Stephan Iscoe is a successful consultant and trainer in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Stephan welcomes your feedback at 888-842-5651. Visit

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