Tuesday 11 August 2009

FW: ***SPAM*** (Recent Notification) Unauthorize Access Discovered ,

There is a lot of spam emails in my Jaring account. I wonder why Jaring is not doing anything to stop it. Or maybe they have, i am not aware of. It is very disturbing, you can get as high as 10 junks a day. I find a lot of emails about viagra. The sender must have thought that I am a male. Recently, I received bogus email from maybank. It may look real because it has the "maybank2u.com.my" domain. FYI, the email address of sender can be made up. There is no assurance that this email address exists anyway.

When you scroll a bit further down. There is a hyperlink. This link brings you to this actual url: http://www.sohailhameed.com/collegestation/res/www.bankofamerica.com/Maybank2u/Maybank2u.html. You can investigate yourself by checking out the real hyperlink. The "http://www.maybank2u.com.my/confirm/access.html" is the text displayed in the email - can be of any free text. IT people will know about this. Nowadays, we have to be careful with what we do on the internet.

||-----Original Message-----
||From: Maybank2u Berhad [mailto:securitydiscovery@maybank2u.com.my]
||Sent: Tuesday, 11 August 2009 7:31 AM
||To: *** jaring.my
||Subject: ***SPAM*** (Recent Notification) Unauthorize Access Discovered ,
||Importance: High


||We have recently discovered a virus used by Maybank2u unauthorized users from 767.998.121.12 IP,

||Kindly protect your account with Maybank2u Now by confirming verifying your account with a verification ||code (TAC) this will be send to your phone automatically from Kawanku SSL server,

||After you have been successfully confirmed an antivirus will be download on your system to protect ||Unauthorise access to your Maybank2u Account,


||This message comes to you from Maybank2U Security Department.

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