Wednesday 17 June 2009

"How to be your own therapist"

This is a masterpiece by Pat Farell (2003).
I got this from the Sarawak Pustaka Library...
There are 10 tools : -

1. Challlenge & Change
2. Open Your eyes & face Reality
3. Make lots of Mistakes
4. Quit whining
5. Act like the person you want to be
6. Accept yourself, warts & All
7. Fire your parents
8. Challenge Authority
9. Stick up for yourself
10. Live Dangerously

Some interesting points that i'd like to remember...: -

1. Self-therapy is about getting what you want from your life. (p.38)
2. There is never a reason for you to feel self-loathing, and if you do, there's something you need to change about your belief and behaviors (p.51)
4. Being wrong won't kill you - and it may make you smarter (p.63)
5. Mistakes are the usual bridge between inexperience and wisdom (Phyllis Theroux p.68)
6. Whining may result in temporary victory (p. 97).
7. No one likes to listen to a child whine, and the resulting annoyance is only multiplied when it's coming from an adult. The cost to you is a decrease in liking ,respect, and admiration from those around you; when others see behaviour in you that does not fit your age, your role, and/or your abililties, they thend ot respond with annyoance. ... you're powerless... Whining is built upon the fallacy that you want to be rescued(p.98-9)
8. In order to succeed at quitting whining, you need to develop a set of replacement skills, and these will be in the realm of communication. The most important skill you can develop is to ask yourself (and then answer) this brief series of questions when you feel a whine coming on (p. 109)

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